If EVERYbody on the farm got to vote anyway…but we are ALL excited about grazing! On the farm, keeping the animals healthy and well fed (AKA '“happy”) is always the goal, so when the temperatures warm and the grass springs to life we all get energized. One of our goals at The Blue Goat Farm is to raise local, sustainable, high quality products for The Blue Goat Restaurant. How we manage grazing plays a key role in the “sustainable” part of that equation. We manage our livestock with the goal of IMPROVING the environment on the farm - every year the land is a little “healthier.” By that I mean more robust and diverse pasture growth, improved soil health, improved moisture retention, extended growing season, increasingly healthy forage/lifestock/wildlife, increased diversity of life by every measure. ONE of the ways we accomplish this is through the practice of high intensity rotational grazing (to the degree appropriate to the specific area). Sustainability is the goal….and these critters are eager to help (they do love to graze but it is a lot of work - so sometimes they take a break)…and hopefully everybody benefits.